Our approach to sustainability

Our approach covers the following areas
We continue to grow a sustainable business model around our asset in Tanzania and believe it is fundamental that our strategy considers what our stakeholder’s needs and priorities are. Read more

Sustainable activities roadmap
Our main ambition is to continue growing a sustainable business model around our asset in Tanzania. In order to do so, we want to ensure that we understand the needs of and the impact on our stakeholders and the environment.
Our sustainability strategy and performance is reviewed on an ongoing basis through the steps outlined in the diagram to provide transparency around our progress.
Our contribution
We take a holistic approach to sustainability and look at how we can contribute positively to all our stakeholders and the environment. We believe that a combination of strong governance practices and a diverse and talented workforce gives us the ability to create value for all our stakeholders.

Targeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Our sustainability strategy is further inspired by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and the 2019 World Bank Pathways for Tanzania.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals
Importantly, the 17 UN SDGs were created with country-level actions in mind, and even though we support all UN SDGs, not all goals and targets are directly relevant for our business. Therefore, we have assessed the goals to find those most relevant for us, and framed the goals and relevant underlying targets in terms of their applicability to our business. We have a specific focus on goals 7, 8 & 13, and their underlying targets given our business activities.

Targets that our business activities aim to contribute to
Universal access to modern energy.
Double the improvement in energy efficiency.
Promoting access to research technology and investments in clean energy.
Expand and upgrade energy services for developing countries.

Targets that our business activities aim to contribute to
Double the improvement in energy efficiency.
Full employment and decent work with equal pay.
End modern slavery, trafficking and child labor.
Protect labor rights and promote safe working environments.

Targets that our business activities aim to contribute to
Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related disasters.
Integrate climate change measures into policies and planning.
Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change.
World Bank Pathways in Tanzania
In 2019, the World Bank released a report detailing the main environmental and urban and industrial challenges facing Tanzania, whilst also suggesting four pathways for tackling them. Specifically, Pathway 3 is important for us as it focuses on tackling the widespread use of charcoal and firewood as fuel sources. A key element of this is to improve access to modern and reliable energy sources, reinforcing the role of natural gas as a transitional fuel in terms of both its lower emissions and heightened efficiency relative to prevailing fuel sources in Tanzania.
Conservation of Biodiversity and Marine and Freshwater Resources
Promote Resilient Landscapes
Improve Access to Modern fuels and Low Impact Urbanization
Strengthened Institutions for Pollution Management

Our material issues
Materiality analysis helps us to prioritise our ESG issues within our approach and goal setting, as well as guiding our engagement with key stakeholders.
We have reviewed and clarified our priority issues in order to define our principles, policies, reporting and governance structure.
A summary of our key strategic topics include